The natural vegetation consisted of evergreen broad - leaved forest ever - green bushland, mangrove thickets and grassland.
该地天然植被有常绿阔叶林 、 丛、树林、坡等.
互联网Natural vegetation in temperate, warm temperate deciduous, broad - leaved, coniferous forest and deciduous shrubs dominated.
自然植被以温带 、 暖温带落叶 、 阔叶 、 针叶林和落叶灌木为主.
互联网Herbage communities were the main part of the natural vegetation.
期刊摘选Exotic plants significantly impacted the landscape , resulting in degradation of the natural vegetation.
由于自然植被被严重破坏, 岛屿上外来入侵种形成了较大的灾害.
期刊摘选Jieda Gynaecological Lotion is made of natural vegetation extracts, aiming at female's special needs.
洁达妇科洗液采用纯天然植物提取物 、 针对女性生理特点精心配制而成.
期刊摘选Destrucion of forests and natural vegetation leads to soil erosion.
互联网The natural vegetation is well developed in forest landscape area, Great Xing an Range.
大兴安岭地区为森林景观区, 植被十分发育.
互联网Ditch your mountain aided downstream , thick forests, and the original natural vegetation.
坝下贵沟山峰回路转, 林木蓊郁, 有原汁原味的天然植被.
互联网The community of natural vegetation affected by climate and site conditions is simple and fragile.
互联网The natural vegetation succession is a major means of ecological rehabilitation in Karst area.
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